Sunday, January 8, 2012

Some Current Observations

While in Cusco we have noticed that most Peruvians:

1) Don't touch when they dance..  No really, they leave plenty of room for the Holy Spirit.
2) Don't accept any American bills with the slightest tear in them.
3) Rock these funky sneakers, with a separation between the big toe and the next one (Think: Camel Toe).
4) Men are short. I (Christina) feel abnormally tall around here. They aren't a foot taller than me, what?
5) Love to sing American music even though sometimes they can't speak English.
6) Automatically think we are tourists when waiting in line for a Salsa club and look at us like we are not welcome.
7) Why do all the tourists around here look like hippies?
8) They pretend that they are descended from the Incans and that they have "pure blood" to try to lure American tourists.
9) They get so confused when you want to try on a man's shoe, and offer you the girly floral version several times over.
10) Smoking. Everywhere. Our clothes reek. It is boring into our pores. (So much for wearing a pair of jeans more than one time).
11) Apparently seat belts are few and far between.
12) People don't wear sunglasses

More to come.

1 comment:

  1. forgot to warn you guys about the tears lol. Totally agree with all your observations.
